Shenzhen Baoan District, River Road, Sha Sha two district on the 5th
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Reverse osmosis water treatment equipment is used to produce the world's most advanced water equipment, its technology is mature, stable, reliable, it can effectively remove the water microbes, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides and all other harmful substances. Widely used for drinking, medical, commercial, industrial manufacturing and other industries.
Reverse osmosis water equipment provided by Nokia, reasonable design, equipped with precision, each part of the control system uses PLC automatic control, simple installation, easy maintenance, according to the actual needs of the design flow of users, the quality of water resistance up to 18MΩ. CM.
EDI is the latest electronic deionization technology is a revolution in water treatment industry, it does not require the shutdown of chemical regeneration can be continuously output high water, the purity of 15-18MΩ.CM. Having water quality and stability, without chemical regeneration, low operating costs, simple operation and management, no harmful emissions, small footprint and so on.
Almost all of the water is ultra pure water to remove the electrolyte, water insoluble colloidal substances, micro-organisms, particles, organic matter, reduced to the low level of dissolved gas, the resistance value at 10 mega ohm water. The process for the preparation of traditional ultra-pure water is to use a multi-stage distillation or ion exchange to make, in recent years, with the rapid development of membrane separation technology. Ultrafiltration, microfiltration, reverse osmosis filtration technology has been widely used in the field of water treatment.
Currently preparing ultra-pure water processes are reverse osmosis, ion exchange and EDI (electrodeionization).
Ultra-pure water is widely used in electronic, electrical, chemical, electroplating, boilers and pharmaceutical industries.

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Shenzhen Baoan District, River Road, Sha Sha two district on the 5th    Tel:+86-0755-27135015
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